The sign to the Cenacolo Community is written in Italian since Mother Elvira is an Italian nun who founded the first Cenacolo in Italy. This facility is in Medjugorje, Bosnia-Hercegovina, but is written in Italian, nonetheless. |
A Loving Mother
Image of Mother Elvira and her
message written in three languages:
Italian, Croatian, and English. |
We went to Mass at 10 o'clock this morning, as we do most mornings. Later that afternoon we took a bus to the Cenacolo Community around 1:15 P.M. The Medjugorje Cenacolo Community was established by an Italian nun named Sister Elvira who is often referred to as Mother Elvira. Perhaps the reason that she is frequently called "Mother" Elvira is due to the genuine compassion and concern that she extends to all those who come to her facilities, just like a loving mother with open arms. Her message to all those who enter the residential community is, "True liberty is living the faith, it's letting the Holy Spirit, which lives within us, act; it's letting it free us from the slavery of sin, from the prison, and from the chains that come from our mind that suffocate our conscience. Let God enter and live within you, because what you are seeking is Him."
Stone near the entrance to the residence at Comunita Cenacolo is written in Italian and reads "Field of Life". The word "Medjugorje" is written across the center of the stone. You will notice that there is no "j" after the "d" because the "dj" sound is written with a line through the D in Croatian to represent that sound. |
An inscription on the wall in the
auditorium of Comunita Cenacolo is
written in Italian. It reads
"Holy Mother of God, pray for us". |
I am not certain when the Medjugorje community was opened, but the first Comunita Cenacolo was opened in Italy in 1983. Mother Elvira felt a calling and saw a need to help the modern poor: the disillusioned youth who lived a desperate and empty life and relied on alcohol and substance abuse to find fulfillment and meaning in their lives. Her approach to turning around the lives of these young people was a simple, disciplined, family style of life based upon St. Benedict's rule of prayer and work ("ora et labora").
Young men in the program at
Comunita Cenacolo speak to
the pilgrims of their continued
recovery from substance abuse. |
Two young men spoke to us about their successes and struggles to live an addiction-free life. One was from Boston, the other was from Serbia. They each told us their personal stories to overcome drugs and alcohol. The young men stated that no one made them stay, but that they were inspired by the others around them in the community, including Mother Elvira who prayed novenas on their behalf. The young man from Boston recalled seeing other young men kneeling in the chapel reciting the rosary. They were experiencing a serenity and a purpose that he didn't have at that time. He also told us how Mother Elvira renewed the family and brought support, love, healing, faith, and an encounter with Christ and the Blessed Mother. These were experiences which he had not encountered during his many years of substance abuse. Both men characterized their stay at Comunita Cenacolo with true friendship, sacrifice, and faith in Christ and the Blessed Mother.
Pilgrims listen to the young men's testimonials. |
The spirituality at Comunita Cenacolo is Christ and Marian-centered. The young men explained how the day begins at 6 o'clock in the morning with the recitation of the rosary in the chapel. All members also have jobs in the community after breakfast. These responsibilities include making bread, cleaning the house, doing masonry work, gardening, woodworking, making rosaries, etc. According to the young men, by the end of the day, much has been accomplished, much has been learned, the rosary has been recited, and the Gospel
has been shared.
I've read that there are several Comunita Cenacolo initiatives all over the world. The success rate of the young men or young women entering the community houses that Mother Elvira has set up is astonishing! 93% of those going through the Comunita Cenacolo program never abuse drugs and alcohol again.
There was no Adoration this evening so some pilgrims climbed up Apparition Hill again, others went to confession, still others walked over to the Risen Christ. Some went to the Croatian Mass to pray.
What is the state of Cummunity Cenacolo in Medjugorje, Bosnia. Still functioning? Please send an update . I was there in 2011. Thanks Mike Schruth jmschruth@gmail.com